Growth & Development
Help us raise $50,000 (donate as little as $10). The Herban Wellness Fund is a support system and crowdfunding campaign meant to help us expand our footprint in Health & Wellness. We have huge goals of creating an all-inclusive lifestyle brand that helps people create holistic wellness routines for optimal health. Your support will help us realize our dreams of creating a lifeline to self sufficient healing.
We are partnering with a local farm to further our educational footprint in the community. Our goal is to provide Research & Development of Alternative Medicine, Herbal Education to under-served communities through our 3 year Herbal School, Preservation of traditional healing practices, and a 'Farm to Medicine Cabinet' approach in building a community health store. See the work we do at our Wellness Center!
Making ongoing purchases or partnering to wholesale our products in your Spa or Wellness space could greatly help us move to the next level. Though we have not reached the level of supply chains and distribution, we have made investments in machinery and are equipped to handle higher volume product making in anticipation of exponential growth.
Sharing everything you know and love about our wellness brands can go a long way! Word of mouth is the best marketing and social media platforms bring new customers every day. Like & share posts on our Instagram & Facebook pages, share your stories with friends & family, and send this page to anyone that might be interested in supporting through the fund.